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Have an audacious goal? Say it out loud.

Now that you've said it, it’s really out there. Keep saying it. Make it happen!

So many times I’ve had ambitious goals for myself, only to find that the days, months, even years keep slipping away without much progress being made. Procrastination is something I’m especially good at (a topic for another day!), which means that sometimes the only thing standing between me and accomplishing my goal is…ME.

Stating your goal aloud helps it begin to take form. Now it’s no longer just on your mind or in your heart. It’s out in the world! And if you’re lucky, someone close to you heard you say it and can help you shape it.

What big goals do you have? What is on your mind and in your heart that you really want to bring alive? If you’re in need of an accountability partner to help you take your next steps, reach out and let me know!

Talk to you soon, Jenny

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